前几天看到一个美国电影,警察遇到紧急情况,说到“We have a 980 here.”
我便好奇980为什么会是遇到紧急情况的意思,一开始还以为是美国什么俚语,于是搜得以下结果,发现这是美国警用代码。可以看到,980 对应着 Restrict calls to emergency only.长见识了:
10-7A Out of service at home.
10-7B Out of service – personal.
10-7od Out of service – off duty10-8 In service/available for assignment.
10-9 Repeat last transmission.
10-10 Off duty.
10-10A Off duty at home.
10-11 Identify this frequency.
10-12 Visitors are present (be discrete).
10-13 Advise weather and road conditions.
10-14 Citizen holding suspect.
10-15 Prisoner in custody.
10-16 Pick up prisoner.
10-17 Request for gasoline.
10-18 Equipment exchange.
10-19 Return/returning to the station.
10-20 Location?
10-21 Telephone:______
10-21a Advise home that I will return at ______.
10-21b Phone your home
10-21r Phone radio dispatch
10-22 Disregard the last assignment.
10-22c Leave area if all secure.
10-23 Standby.
10-24 Request car-to-car transmission.
10-25 Do you have contact with _______?
10-26 Clear.
10-27 Driver\’s license check.
10-28 Vehicle registration request.
10-29 Check wants/warrants.[vehicle] (PIN,SVS)
10-29a Check wants/warrants [subject] (PIN)
10-29c Check complete [subject]
10-29f The subject is wanted for a felony.
10-29h Caution – severe hazard potential.
10-29r Check wants/record [subject PIN,CJIC)
10-29m The subject is wanted for a misdemeanor.
10-29v The vehicle wanted in connection W/crime.
10-30 Does not conform to regulations.
10-32 Drowning.
10-33 Alarm sounding.
10-34 Assist at office.
10-35 Time check.
10-36 Confidential information.
10-37 Identify the operator.
10-39 Can ______ come to the radio?
10-40 Is ______ available for a telephone call?
10-42 Check on the welfare of/at ______.
10-43 Call a doctor.
10-45 What is the condition of the patient?
10-45A Condition of patient is good.
10-45B Condition of patient is serious.
10-45C Condition of patient is critical.
10-45D Patient is deceased.
10-46 Sick person [ambulance enroute]
10-48 Ambulance transfer call
10-49 Proceed to/Enroute to ______.
10-50 under influence of narcotics/Take a report.
10-51 Subject is drunk.
10-52 Resuscitator is needed.
10-53 Person down.
10-54 Possible dead body.
10-55 Coroner\’s case.
10-56 Suicide.
10-56A Suicide attempt.
10-57 Firearm discharged.
10-58 Garbage complaint
10-59 Security check./Malicious mischief
10-60 Lock out.
10-61 Miscellaneous public service.
10-62 Meet a citizen.
10-62A Take a report from a citizen.
10-62B Civil standby.
10-63 Prepare to copy.
10-64 Found property.
10-65 Missing person
10-66 Suspicious person.
10-67 Person calling for help.
10-68 Call for police made via telephone.
10-70 Prowler.
10-71 Shooting.
10-72 Knifing.
10-73 How do you receive?
10-79 Bomb threat.
10-80 Explosion.
10-86 Any traffic?
10-87 Meet the officer at ______.
10-88 Fill with the officer/Assume your post.
10-91 Animal.
10-91a Stray.
10-91b Noisy animal.
10-91c Injured animal.
10-91d Dead animal.
10-91e Animal bite.
10-91g Animal pickup.
10-91h Stray horse
10-91j Pickup/collect ______.
10-91L Leash law violation.
10-91V Vicious animal.
10-95 pedestrian/ Requesting an I.D./Techunit.
10-96 Out of vehicle-ped. send backup
10-97 Arrived at the scene.
10-98 Available for assignment.
10-99 Open police garage door.
10-100 Civil disturbance – Mutual aid standby.
10-101 Civil disturbance – Mutual aid request.11-00 Codes
11-10 Take a report.
11-24 Abandoned automobile.
11-25 Traffic hazard.
11-26 Abandoned bicycle.
11-27 10-27 with the driver being held.
11-28 10-28 with the driver being held.
11-40 Advise if an ambulance is needed.
11-41 An ambulance is needed.
11-42 No ambulance is needed.
11-48 Furnish transportation.
11-51 Escort.
11-52 Funeral detail.
11-54 Suspicious vehicle.
11-55 Officer is being followed by automobile.
11-56 Officer is being followed by auto containing dangerous persons.
11-57 An unidentified auto appeared at the scene of the assignment.
11-58 Radio traffic is being monitored. Phone all non-routine messages.
11-59 Give intensive attention to high hazard/business areas.
11-60 Attack in a high hazard area.
11-65 Signal light is out.
11-66 Defective traffic light.
11-71 Fire.
11-78 Aircraft accident.
11-79 Accident – ambulance has been sent.
11-80 Accident – major injuries.
11-81 Accident – minor injuries.
11-82 Accident – no injuries.
11-83 Accident – no details.
11-84 Direct traffic.
11-85 Tow truck required.
11-94 Pedestrian stop.
11-95 Routine traffic stop.
11-96 Checking a suspicious vehicle.
11-97 Time/security check on patrol vehicles.
11-98 Meet: _______
11-99 Officer needs help.900 Series Codes
904 Fire.
904A Automobile fire.
904B Building fire.
904G Grass fire.
909 Traffic problem; police needed.
910 Can handle this detail.
925 Suspicious vehicle.
932 Turn on _______ mobile relay at _______.
933 Turn off mobile relay.
949 Burning inspection at _______.
950 Control burn in progress/about to begin/ended.
951 Need fire investigator.
952 Report on conditions.
953 Investigate smoke.
953A Investigate gas.
954 Off the air at the scene of the fire.
955 Fire is under control.
956 Assignment not finished.
957 Delayed response of __ minutes.
980 Restrict calls to emergency only.
981 Resume normal traffic.
1000 Plane crash
3000 Road blockOther Codes
Code 1 Do so at your convenience.
Code 2 Urgent.
Code 3 Emergency/lights and siren.
Code 4 No further assistance is needed.
Code 5 Stakeout.
Code 6 Responding from a long distance.
Code 7 Mealtime.
Code 8 Request cover/backup.
Code 9 Set up a roadblock.
Code 10 Bomb threat
Code 12 Notify news media
Code 20 Officer needs assistance
Code 22 Restricted radio traffic
Code 30 Officer needs HELP – EMERGENCY!
Code 33 Mobile emergency – clear this radio channel.
Code 43 TAC forces committed.
AID Public Safety AssistancePhonetic Alphabet
A Adam N Nora
B Boy O Ocean
C Charles P Paul
D David Q Queen
E Edward R Robert
F Frank S Sam
G George T Tom
H Henry U Union
I Ida V Victor
J John W William
K King X X-ray
L Lincoln Y Yellow
M Mary Z Zebra
32 Accessory to a felony
67 Offer a bribe to executive officer
69 Deter/resist executive officer (other than peace officer) by threat/force/violence
71 Threaten injury to school officer or employee
102 Take or destroy property in custody of officer
118 Perjury
136.1(a) Intimidation of witness or victim from attending/testifying at any trial
136.1(b1) Intimidation of witness or victim from reporting crime to police/other authorities
136.1(C1) Intimidation of witness or victim by force/threat of violence
137(a) Offer bribe to influence testimony
146a Impersonating a peace officer
148 Interfering with an officer
148.1 False report of a bomb
148.5 False report of a crime
150 Refuse to aid an officer
151(a1) Advocate killing/injuring officer
187 Murder
192.1 Voluntary manslaughter
192.2 Involuntary manslaughter
192.3 Vehicular manslaughter
203 Mayhem
207 Kidnap
209a Kidnaping for ransom/extortion
209b Kidnaping for robbery
211 Robbery
220 Assault with intent to mayhem/rape/sodomy/oral copulation
236 False imprisonment
240 *Assault
240-242 *Assault and Battery
241 Assault on peace officer/EMT/firefighter
242 *Battery
243a Battery against a citizen
243b Battery against a peace officer
244 Throwing acid with intent to disfigure or burn
245 Assault with a deadly weapon
245b Assault with a deadly weapon against a peace officer
246 Shooting at an inhabited dwelling or vehicle
261 Rape
261.5 Rape – under 18 years of age
262 Rape of spouse
266h Pimping
266i Pandering
270 Child neglect/failing to pay the support payments
271 Child abandonment – under 14
272 Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
273.5a Corporal injury to spouse/cohabitant
273d Corporal injury upon child
278 Child abduction from parent or guardian
285 Incest
286 Sodomy
288 Sex crimes against children
288a Oral copulation
290 Sex registration
311.2a Possession of obscene matter
311.2b Possessing obscene matter depicting a minor
314 Indecent exposure
330 Gambling
373 Public nuisance misdemeanors (spitting in public
places, etc.)
374b Garbage dumping
402b Abandoned refrigerator
415 Disturbing the peace (be specific)
417 Brandishing a weapon
451 Arson
459 Burglary
470 Forgery
476a Insufficient funds (checks)
484e Theft of a credit card
484f Forged credit card
484g Illegal use of a credit card
487 Grand Theft ($400 )
488 Petty theft (<$400)
496 Receiving stolen property
499b Joyriding
503 Embezzlement
537 Nonpayment of a bill (Restaurants, etc.)
537e Article with serial number removed
555 Posted trespass
594 Vandalism
597 Killing or abusing animals
602L Trespass
603 Trespass with damage
647b Prostitution
647f Drunk in public
647g Disorderly conduct – loitering on private property at night
647h Disorderly conduct – peeking into an inhabited building
647a Annoy/molest child
653m Harassment by phone (obscene call)
4532 Escape (also 32 PC)
12020 Possession of a deadly weapon
12025 Possession of a concealed firearm
10851 Auto theft
10852 Malicious mischief to a vehicle
22500e Vehicle blocking a driveway
23109 Exhibition of speed
23110 Throwing articles at a vehicle
4601 Suspended or revoked license
20001 Hit and run – injury or death
20002 Hit and run – property damage
21111 Throwing article
22348 Maximum speed law – 55 MPH
23112 Throwing garbage on highway
22350 Basic speed law – unsafe speed
(Relating to heroin, cocaine, peyote, mescaline, and THC)11350 Possession
11351 Possession for sales
11352 Sale/transportation(Relating to marijuana)
11357a Possession of hashish
11357b Possession of less than 1 ounce
11357c Possession of more than 1 ounce
11358 Cultivation
11359 Possession for sales
11360a Sale/transportation(Relating to barbiturates, amphetamines and LSD)
11377 Possession
5150 Mental/emotional
5170 Unable to care for self
11364 Paraphernalia
11368 Forged prescription
11550 Under influence of a controlled substance
12677 Fireworks