物理学:What’s the truth about antigravity?【Youtube】
Youtube:What’s the truth about antigravity? 阅读全文
视频来自YouTube:【宇宙雜談】什麼才算真空?真空的七層理解,你在第幾層?| Linvo說宇宙 阅读全文
A 7-minute guide to the relationship between quant阅读全文
Zooming into the Center of the Andromeda Galaxy (3阅读全文
Random walks in 2D and 3D are fundamentally differ阅读全文
AGT: An introduction to discrete quantum walks阅读全文
Fluid dynamics feels natural once you start with q阅读全文
视频来自YouTube:Journey through Spacetime | An immersi阅读全文
吴岳良(中国科学院大学) 广义相对论与量子力学的结合及时空本质 (youtube.com) &nbs阅读全文
YouTube:The Problem With Science Communication 阅读全文
What Happens Beyond the Planck Length? – You阅读全文
YouTube:Are We Living in Someone’s Mind? Why Are B阅读全文
Why is quantum mechanics non-local? (I wish someon阅读全文
I don’t believe the 2nd law of thermodynamic阅读全文
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