斯莫林: 时空怎么就能是同一回事呢? Lee Smolin 是量子物理学界的一位重量级科学家。我们听阅读全文
物理学:What’s the truth about antigravity?【Youtube】
Youtube:What’s the truth about antigravity? 阅读全文
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视频来自YouTube:【宇宙雜談】什麼才算真空?真空的七層理解,你在第幾層?| Linvo說宇宙 阅读全文
物理学:论文分享——《黑洞的经典与量子性质》(高思杰, 郭敏勇, 马永革, 张宏宝)
物理学:A 7-minute guide to the relationship between quantum mechanics and black holes | Brian Cox
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物理学+数学:Random walks in 2D and 3D are fundamentally different (Markov chains approach)
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讲座+物理学:AGT: An introduction to discrete quantum walks
AGT: An introduction to discrete quantum walks阅读全文
物理学+仿真:Fluid dynamics feels natural once you start with quantum mechanics
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物理学+科普:Journey through Spacetime | An immersive experience
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YouTube:The Problem With Science Communication 阅读全文
物理学+科普:What Happens Beyond the Planck Length?
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理论物理:Why is quantum mechanics non-local? (I wish someone had told me this 20 years ago.)
Why is quantum mechanics non-local? (I wish someon阅读全文
物理学:大家如何评价这个视频的内容?《I don’t believe the 2nd law of thermodynamics.》
I don’t believe the 2nd law of thermodynamic阅读全文
物理学+科普:Can a New Law of Physics Explain a Black Hole Paradox?
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今天接到了Qeios发来的审稿邮件。 我一开始以为Qeios是一个期刊,了解后发现,它是一个平台,是阅读全文
物理学:How does electricity find the “Path of Least Resistance”? 电是如何找到“阻力最小的路径”的
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物理学+理论物理:5000个经典小球的下落碰撞与量子波包碰撞的相似性 5000 classical balls and quantum wave packet falling on |x|
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