我的电脑是 Surface Pro 中文版,Arduino UNO 插到电脑上后电脑没有丝毫反应,在设备管理器中手动更新驱动,选择Arduino IDE的驱动文件夹安装也会失败,总之,驱动安装不上。

在网上搜到了一种方法,我试了下,也许是我的Surface系统问题,这样做依然没有反应,于是以为是32位系统和64位系统不同的问题,于是去Arduino.cc查看有没有64位的IDE,结果Arduino IDE并不区分32位和64位,但是其写明了旧版本不支持Windows 8/8.1,最新的测试版Arduino支持windows 8/8.1 。

Arduino 1.0.5


Arduino 1.0.5 (release notes), hosted by Google Code:

NOTICE: Arduino Drivers have been updated to add support for Windows 8.1, you can download the updated IDE (version 1.0.5-r2 for Windows) from the download links below.

(也就是说,旧版本的Arduino 不包括windows8/8.1的驱动)

于是下载并安装了最新的测试版 Arduino 1.5.6-r2 BETA (大小约 66.41M)

Arduino 1.5.6-r2 BETA (with support for Arduino Yún and Arduino Due boards)

If you have the Arduino Yún or Due you must download the 1.5.6 version. Refer to the Yun getting started page, or Due getting started page for specific details about those boards.

WARNING: version 1.5.6 may cause problems with the serial monitor, the problem is fixed in version 1.5.6-r2 that can be downloaded below.

WARNING: This software is a beta version, you may encounter bugs or unexpected behaviours. Please discuss any issues in the Yún forum or Due forum

Arduino 1.5.6-r2 (release notes):

我下载的不是zip格式的压缩包,而是安装包。安装时,可以勾选是否安装驱动,安装完毕之后,这时插入 Arduino Uno,不用再手动安装驱动,系统就直接识别了,非常方便。



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