

Cleanflight, Betaflight, INAV, Butterflight, Emuflight, Kiss, and FlightOne Falcox are all types of firmware that run on your flight controller for flying your Quad or Drone.

Kiss firmware has been made popular by freestyle pilots such as Mr Steele with the amazing footage he manages to capture. Kiss firmware will only run on specific Kiss flight controllers.

FlightOne Falcox firmware has been popular with race pilots such as Evan Turner and freestyle pilots such as Wild Willy. Falcox Requires a FlightOne flight controller to be used.

Cleanflight, betaflight, inav and emuflight are open-source firmware created by the community. They will work on most flight controllers that are available today that are at least an F4 processor.

Cut down versions of firmware do run on older F3 processors but examples of this firmware are getting harder to find. The firmware being open source share a lot of the same code and for example improvements in betaflight will often find their way to the other firmware once proven.

What is the best open-source fpv firmware to use in 2020?

The answer depends on what you want to use your flight controller for.

Betaflight is the most cutting edge firmware. New features like bi-directional dshot RPM filtering were developed in betaflight. A lot of the top racers use betaflight for these new features.

Inav is developed more for planes / quads that are running GPS systems and doing longer range flights and mission planning. your quad won’t fly as well as it can on betaflight but it has really cool features like gps position hold and return to home.

Cleanflight is actually the firmware that all the others were originally created (forked) from. In its current format, it is a very refined firmware. It doesn’t have the cutting edge features of betaflight and it could be considered more stable.

Emuflight is the new and improved butter flight. it has some unique approaches to filtering and some freestyle pilots call it their go-to firmware. it seems to have some good results on larger quadcopters in the 8 to 10-inch prop size.

Last Updated 4th April 2020


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